Support Us

Supporting Us helps keep our community strong

We will never ask any of our community members to pay for or be subscribed to us to take advantage of the servers we offer. Our community servers are funded and maintained at no additional cost to anyone.  

If you have the ability to donate you can do so by clicking the button below. Every little bit helps us to continue maintaining the community we love. We accept donations through paypal. 

Wak Moments for Warriors

Below you will see that just over a year ago we put on a charity live stream for the Wounded Warrior Project. As part of the Warrior Week, Wak Nation will once again be livestreaming for charity. 

Wounded Warrior Project has touched the lives of many of our Veterans and we can’t pass up the opportunity to once again show our support for this great cause. 

We’ve created a page to showcase how Wounded Warriors has made an impact on Wak Nation and to thank them for everything that they’ve done. If you’d like more information click the button below.

How we've given back

We love when our community offers their support for us and in return we love to give back. On September 29th, 2020, Wak hosted a charity stream for the Wounded Warrior Project. It is this very community that helped Wak reach beyond his goal that it needed to be changed 3 times over the course of the first hour of streaming. 

We are proud and so very humbled to say that this charity stream for the Wounded Warrior Project raised a total of $3,350 to help warriors and their families at no cost to them. 

Throughout the course of this charity, every super chat, sticker, merchandise purchase or donation made via YouTube to Wak was donated to the Wounded Warrior Project on behalf of this wonderful community.

It is the very people like you who continue to inspire us to keep doing what we do with this community. The generosity and kindness is what makes Wak Nation, a home. 


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