About Us



Owner/Content Creator

Hey nice to meet you, Oh wait I guess you are actually meeting me. Well I am Wak yes I know it’s weird but literally it’s pronounced Whack. I came up with the name really by accident when I was creating an account for my PS3, see all I wanted to do was play a game and I was really frustrated with the fact that I had to enter all this information to play a game on my brand new system. So when I got to the part where I had to choose a username the only thing I could think of was that it was whack that I had to do all this before I could even play. I didn’t want to type it all the way out so I shortened it to wak and well the 4863 yeah you know how usernames go fast sometimes so I added that to the end. Yes 4863 means something also but that is a story for another time. Most of my life I have been in management in different fields and industries, but in 2011 some gaming buddies of mine introduced me to the wild world of creating gameplay videos. I was instantly hooked, I made YouTube videos for a couple years before I really had to focus on my career and my health and I stepped away from YouTube. Fast forward to 2019 I started to get the itch to make YouTube videos again. At the time I was playing Conan Exiles and I decided it would be fun to make some videos again. That started this journey that I am currently on, you know the one you are joining me for. I enjoy making YouTube videos of all kinds and really enjoy making videos that help people with their gaming journey, that’s why my main focus is tips and tricks, but you will find the occasional gameplay or livestream where I show off and usually incur a wak moment for my efforts. I’m here to have fun, I don’t see myself as some YouTube star or icon, I’m just a guy, I like to play games and I like to share my experiences with my online family, Yeah that means you! Wak Nation is a world wide family of amazing gamers and I for one am happy that you are here.


Vice President

Hi! I'm Stormy which is the shortened version of my gaming name Stormbringer. What can I say about myself? I majored in criminal law but have dabbled in all aspects of law throughout my career. I really enjoy helping people and found a passion of helping through online when I joined a content creator and became his youtube community manager. From there I moved onto gaming online and became the Community Manager for the Conan Exiles mod EEWA (Endgame Extended Weapons Arsenal). Through EEWA, I met Wak and worked as a silent partner behind the scenes. I officially became Vice President to Wak Nation in September of 2020 and have loved every minute of it. When I'm not building guides, working on discords, managing servers or looking for my next creation; I enjoy gaming from simulation games to MMO's. I also enjoy reading, writing and listening to music. I love the colour pink and yes I spell things with a U since I'm a fellow Canadian! You can be certain that I'll be in the streams looking out for those wak moments. My favourite game to play in streams: the death counter! Don't be shy! Say Hello, I promise I don't bite.


Community Manager

Married, two stepchildren, six grandchildren. Hobbies: Trail riding, fishing, shooting, travel, flying, gaming. Hello! I am Green Ranger. I am a disabled Us Army combat veteran of almost 17 years of service. I started playing video games as a hobby and a close friend who builds computers for flight simulators built me a computer for my birthday. I have watched Wak’s videos for quite some time and the first interaction I had with Wak was I had a question or comment during one of his livestreams which he asked me to get with him in discord. I didn’t even have or know what discord was! LOL Yes, I’m very computer illiterate! Through conversation Wak encouraged me to join his PS4 server which I did and I officially began my journey with Wak and his community which during a server event he had he asked us to pick a color and of course I chose green and someone commented that we all looked like a bunch of Power Rangers and Green Ranger was born! Wak has encouraged me every step of the way to come out of my shell and slowly I did. And now here I am in every livestream and greeting everyone as his community manager. I look forward everyday reading people's comments laughing and sometimes crying with each and every member of the Wak nation family and enjoying every step of the way.


Wak's Artist

I have been playing video games since 1986 and started competative play in the early 1990s, competing for World champion in the 1994 Blockbuster Gaming Championships at 13 years old. After winning my local store championships I went to the semi-finals in Toronto at the Maple Leaf Gardens only to lose in the last round to an older gamer (18 yrs old) in the last round to the new game NBA Jam. He picked Chicago Bulls, and well if you know anything about the game, the game was decided in the original team pick. My love of gaming did not end there, I went on to play nearly every major game release since. I have won and lost many different gaming competitions over the years, nothing as big as what is seen today but enough to fund my love for gaming through most of the early 2000s. I'm fond of building in games and have always had a bit of a creative side. This is what eventually led me to Conan Exiles during its early Alpha and Beta stages, and has kept me playing over the years. I love to build, and design, as well as do art. I consider myself an amateur artist, just a guy who likes to do art, though people tell me my stuff is amazing, I'm always humbled by it. However the combination of my love for building and love for art inevitably led me to Wak4863's youtube channel and discord where I have been ever since. I don't talk much in discord, though some of you may know me from Wak's streams as the artist who designed the 69 logo and the Scared Taco. (Scared because Ranger took a bite). I love the friendly atmosphere and inviting nature of this community and enjoy helping people where-ever I'm needed.


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